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Posted by on Jan 3, 2020 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

January Blogging friends blog hop

Welcome to the Blogging Friends Blog Hop. This month everyone is feeling the love!  I’m feeling the love for a sweet friend who surprised me during Christmas with a awesome gift.  We don’t normally exchange gifts but, she shared a little extra cheer with me.  I have had in my mind to make her a special thank you card.

Thinking about what I wanted to create,  I decided to go with a very clean and modern feel.  I think this is the perfect time of year to go back to your roots of creativity and re-explore.  For me that’s clean and hopefully modern card making. I find this style of card making my favorite!  I also have recently fallen back …head over heals for heat embossing.  I’m just completely obsessed with adding matalic to cards.

  • The color combo real red, night of Navy, and petal pink
  • Stamp set To A Wild Rose  used with versa mark ink and gold embossing power.

I had a hard time getting a good picture of the real red and heat embossing.  It has been raining and very dreary. So no natural light witch is how I like to take pictures.  Then the overhead lights at work distort the color.  Anyway, the card in real life is full of red, pink, and shinny gold with that Navy card base to ground it all.

Thank you for hopping along with us!  I hope you enjoy all the inspiration along the way

Today’s card was completely inspired by the super talented Yana Smakula. Her modern take on card making just totally wow’s me!!!!

Peace out my crafty loves-





  1. Love your gold embossing Jennifer! The images turned out beautifully! I could use some of your tips to help with the perfect images when heat embossing. Happy new year!

  2. Jennifer, your card is just beautiful. Embossing always looks stunning, especially on your card.

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