Halloween with the InKing Royalty
Welcome to InKing Royalty’s September Blog Hop! We are excited to share some super-fun creations with you today! This month’s Blog Hop is filled with inspiring projects that feature each artist’s take on the spookiest time of year – Halloween. What fun! After you read my post, I hope you’ll hop over to the next person on the list at the base of this post.
Fall is such a fun time of year. I just love all the pumpkins, leaves changing color, best of all football season. Halloween is just one of the fun holidays that just brings out the joy in decorating. Everthing from hanging gost in a tree to hainging spiderwebs in the hall way are compleatly acipatable. Black candile stick are just simply a must. Anyway, it is just a great holiday. Childeren dress up an trick or treat… I wanted to create a card that brought out the spooky feel of Halloween. That being said. I had not really pruchased my stamps for Halloween yet. I know right???? So, thinking about what stamps I had…I combined two sets to create a fun sean. I debated on adding a sentament but in the end. I decided that it was best without…
When I first saw the Anniual catalog I was imadately in love with the Glamper Greetings stamp set. Who does not love a great camper????

Glamper Greeting Stamp Set
I just used the bats and the little pumpkin for this set. I can’t wate to play with the set more and create all sorts of different camper outings… I combined the basts and the pumpkin with trees form the Thoughtful Branches stamp set. This set is only avaibale for a limited time. And it is just full of amazing trees.

Thoughtful Branches Stamp Set
There are so many posibilites with this set! And the greetings are Amazing!!!!
- To create the night sky I created a mask for my large Harvist Moon. (let’s all sing Harvist Moon) and then used my Clarity stincle brushes and inks to create the background. I first laid down some Smoky Slate ink fallowed by Dapper Denim. Then I went back and forth between the to colors untill I liked the background. I added a little Early Espresso to to bottom for the night time ground. After removing the mask, I laid down the negative mask to show only the moon. Then with the brushed add some Crushed Curry and Tangerine Tango.
- The second step was to add some White Gouache to the card to create clouds.
- Finally, I stamped the trees and the bats with Basic Black Ink and the Pumpkin in Tangerine Tango
- The card is layered on basic black and the Warmth & Cheer Designer series paper stack
Warmth & Cheer Designer Series Paper Stack
Speeking of a spatacular spooky Halloween, Have you seen the September Paper Pumpkin. Boy, this kit really is a fun one. Little test tubes to fill with candy to add to your Halloween treats… What fun!!!!
Be sure to check out the video that goes along with this kit! I just love how Paper Pumpkin makes it so easy to make cards or give little treats like these! Everything you need delivered to your door. It just can’t get any easer than that!!!!!
Here is a little look see at the stamp set included in September’s Kit.

September 2016 Paper Pumpkin Stamp Set
Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you’ll hop along to the next stop on the blog hop, Candy Ford at Stamp Candy. There’s lots of inspiration to be found in this group – and you don’t want to miss it!
Thank you for hopping along with us. If you get stuck during the Blog Hop, please use this line-up as a guide
- Brian King at Stamp with Brian
- Lynn Kolcun at Avery’s Owlery
- Shawn de Oliveira at ShawnStamps
- Becky Volpp at InkBlossom with Becky
- Karen Browning at StampWithMeKZB
- Jennifer Spiller at Westside Paper Creations
- Candy Ford at Stamp Candy
- Lory Robinson at The Robin’s Nest Designs
- Imogene Thomas at MomoMakes.com
- Robin Myren at Songbird Designs by Robin
I hope each of you have a great day. Thank You for stopping by Westside Paper Creations.Much Love,
Such a great project, Jennifer! You’ve created a spooky sky with these colors – what a great eye you have. Love the birds and bats. Spoooooky!
Jennifer, I had not even noticed the bats and birds in the camper set… thanks for sharing your awesome card!!!
This makes me want to use my Clarity brushes more. What a great card you have created, Jennifer. It has such an eerie, desolate feel. Thanks!
See this is why I love “scene” cards SO MUCH! Some of the things I love: the clouds (note to self, buy gouche, I was wondering what made them stand out.) the trees, the blend between the sky and ground, the DSP (we both used it)! You always inspire me, TFS!
This is such a lovely card. Soft yet spooky. 🙂 My favorite thing is the little jack-o-lantern sitting under the tree!
OMG, Jessica. I love the spooky background you created. It’s a work of art.
Love the look, Jennifer! You’re such an artist!