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Christmas in July!

July 9, 2016 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm CDT


westside-eb-christmasThis will be the first Christmas card class of the year!  I am super excited to be bringing back the Christmas Card Class.  I have lots of wonderful ideas for us!   This kick off to the Christmas Card class will be hosted by myself and fellow demonstrator Kim Barrera.  We have lots of ideas to share with you.

This first class will be a big kick off!!  Therefor,  it will be longer and hopefully full of ideas for you for the upcoming Holiday Season!  Kim and I are busy making samples of cards and other projects that will make this class extra special.  We will be having lunch provided by Westside Coffee Place.

We will be making five projects.  Three of witch will be cards, a variety of gift tags,  and a 3-D project!  Kim and I are working on designs as we speak.  The class will be set up in stations.  This will allow you to work through each project at your own pace.  Kim and I will be available to help you along the way.

Never made cards…No worries…We will help you each step of the way.

Join us on the event Facebook page and invite your friends to join us!

A little sneak peak


Other cards will be added over the weekend.

Two of the gift tags:IMAG3379.jpg

I am so happy to add one of the projects that Kim created for the class.  This is the box we will be making!! It is cute or what!  I just love the poinsettia on top :>received_1114548591936195

The day for this class is approaching fast!  So, that means you need to make sure you are signed up today!  The only way to guarantee your spot is to purchase a ticket!  Seats are limited!!!



Online registration for this event is closed


July 9, 2016
11:00 am - 3:00 pm CDT


Westside Paper Creations
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Westside Coffee Place & Cafe
2699 Sandlin Road Southwest
Decatur,AL35601United States
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